"Full farce": a film about Michael Jackson "Leaving Neverson" received the "Emmy" award


For the project, which is complete fiction, get the AMMI award as the "Best Documentary Film" is pure farce,

- said the lawyer of the Jackson family.

There is not a single evidence of the crime committed by Michael, the tape is completely one-bed. This so-called documentary was removed in secret, no one except the two main characters and their families did not participate in its creation,

- he added.

However, the director of Dan Reed paintings unconditionally believes the Safechaku and Robson, receiving the award, he thanked the men for frankness.

It would be impossible if it were not for the incredible courage and the decisiveness of Wade, James and their families. It is worth giveing ​​them due. This is one of the first cases when we were able to shed light on sexual abuse of children,

- said the director.

Recall that the film "Leaving Neversand" came out at HBO at the beginning of the year. The project caused a turbulent public reaction, someone accused the main characters in lies and the desire to prove on the loud name of the idol of Millions, and someone admitted that he really noticed for Michael Jackson unhealthy attraction to small boys. Unfortunately, we no longer know all the truth, the famous singer died 10 years ago from the overdose of drugs.

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