Ryan Reynolds shared a trick, how to show children "Deadpool" without consequences


In the Twitter account of the actor, you can find not only knife to the address of wives and star colleagues, but also wise advice. One of the Folloviers of Ryan asked him to help him in solving a dilemma:

I have an important question, the answer to which I need right now! My son is only four years old, he adores Marvel and I want to show him "Deadpool". But I can't decide whether I should do it or not.

Ryan Reynolds shared a trick, how to show children

Reynolds could advise to show the baby Family Version "Deadpool 2", which had a great success in China and other countries with strict age-related valis. However, the screen antiher is not looking for easy paths.

Not. Show him "Man-Spider" 2002 and tell me that this is "Deadpool". That is what I touched with my children. And remember: when you lie, see him right in the eye. Good luck

- Posted actor.

By the way, Ryan will soon become the Father for the third time. The fact that Blake Lavli is waiting for the third child, it became known in May, at the premiere of the film "Pokemon: Detective Pikachu". In addition, fans are still waiting for the release of the third part of Dadpool and hope that, despite the transition to the franchise rights to the Disney studio, the film will retain its tone, atmosphere and trust.

Ryan Reynolds shared a trick, how to show children

Ryan Reynolds shared a trick, how to show children

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