Critics are delighted with "Stripteresh": "Jennifer Lopez deserved Oscar"


Lopez introduced the "stripteris" at the Film Festival in Toronto along with his colleagues Lily Reynhart, Julia Stiles, Constance Wu and Kek Palmer. With his first impressions, criticism shared on Twitter, and many of them agreed that the comedy deserves applause.

Critics are delighted with

Critics are delighted with

This is simultaneously gloomy, sad, funny, sexy and very cheerful story. Jailo was not stopped. But Lorin Spacharia was even more impressed,

- said Matt Donnel from Variety.

Hunter Harris from Vulture called "Ideal", and Lopez predicted a nomination for Oscar.

I know that on Twitter everyone is inclined to exaggeration, but I think, do not humiliate the stick, if I say that in this film, Lopez is the best introductory scene in history. She definitely deserved the attention of film academics,

- Reasoned Kevin Fallon from The Daily Beast.

The 50-year-old actress and herself believes that the role of Ramona in the "strippers" is one of the most difficult work in the cinema.

The comedy will be released on Russian screens September 12.

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