Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond


We looked at men agents last forty years. So, guys, from the road, and let the woman manifest himself. I think it will be exciting and exciting,

- said the Actor Edition of The Hollywood Reporter.

Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond 125086_1

Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond 125086_2

Brosnan played James Bond over four films and for many remained a favorite agent 007. And although Pierce fully supports the idea of ​​replacing the main hero of the heroine, he is not sure that this will happen soon.

I do not think that this will happen while the franchise control Barbara Broccoli and Michael J. Wilson,

- Posted by an actor.

Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond 125086_3

Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond 125086_4

Frame from the movie "Umci, but not now"

A couple of months ago, the Daily Mail edition reported that Lashan Lynch will appear in the upcoming film "No time to die", where it will become a new agent 007, while the hero Daniel Craig will go on peace. Broccoli in their interview The Guardian reassured everyone dissatisfied, explaining that James Bond was and will be a man:

Bond was registered with a man and will remain them. We do not need to turn male heroes in women. It is much better to create more original heroines and give them the relevant stories.

Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond 125086_5

Guys, from the road: Pierce Brosnan hotly supported the women's version of James Bond 125086_6

Whatever destinies I have been waiting for a franchise, one knows exactly - in the anniversary film about Bond, the audience will say goodbye to Daniel Craig. The premiere of the "No time to die" will take place on April 9, 2020.

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