First photos: Emma Stone on the set "Cruella" in London


As it is obvious from the name, Cruella will tell the history of the insidious villain and a large lover of fur from the skins of Dalmatians Krulyla de Vil - True, it is not clear whether it will be the history of the origin of the villain or something slightly less than standard. Emme Stone's company in the picture will be Emma Thompson, and leads the shooting process of Craig Gillespi, in 2017 he has declared himself by the sensational "tone against all" from Margo Robbie.

First photos: Emma Stone on the set

First photos: Emma Stone on the set

First photos: Emma Stone on the set

First photos: Emma Stone on the set

Interestingly, in the promotion of the Disney, the view of Kruella in the execution of Emma Stone is the most canonical, but on the paparazzi-photo from the set of the actress suggests in the form of a completely friend - with bright red hair.

First photos: Emma Stone on the set

The appearance of Emma Stone on the big screen in the image of Cruella fans actresses will have to wait long: the premiere of "Cruella" in the cinemas is scheduled for May 28, 2021. And very soon, Emma returns to the long-awaited sequel "Zombiland", which starts in the cinemas on October 24, 2019.

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