Love without borders: Iron man installed a monument in Italy


The statue of the superhero is standing on the pedestal, together with which it reaches a height of four meters. With his creation, the sculptor wanted not only to highlight the favorite character among others, but also to remind people about the values ​​that the Iron Man defended.

Tony Stark dedicated her life to the struggle for the ideas in which she believed. He served us a living reminder that we are protagonists of their time and determine the future with their actions. We all should be heroes,

- says the sign on the monument.

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Internet users reacted to news with humor. "Just imagine that in thousands of years the aliens will arrive on Earth and will find this monument. Perhaps they decide that this guy was for us the Deity, "the one of them suggested. "Well, comics about superhero - this is a kind of modern mythology," the other responded.

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The iron man is not the only hero in honor of which the monument was erected. In 2016, Captain America, whose bronze statue can be seen in New York, in the Park Avenue. On her pedestal, too, there is a sign with one of the phrases of Steve Rogers:

I am a simple guy from Brooklyn.

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