Closed premiere of the film "Love and Friendship" in St. Petersburg


The main character of the painting "Love and Friendship" is Suzen Vernon (Kate Bakinsale). She has been 35 years old, and after the death of her husband, she desperately wishes to give her daughter to marry a wealthy young man. But the whole trouble is that the deceased left behind a lot of debts for which you have to pay a tribal estate. Therefore, Suzen does not have another exit, except to go to relatives. They have a fateful acquaintance and turns the lives of local provincials from the head.

"Love and friendship" is an adaption of the only humorous and parody book of the cult writer Jane Austin. The director of the paintings became Wit Stillman, the nominee for Oscar for the film "Golden Youth." In addition to Kate Beckinsale in the picture you can see Stephen Fray, Jenn Murray and Chlojie.

For the organization of the buffet, "Lev Golitsyn", St. Petersburg hat brand Anna Mikhailova, TimeInfo - interactive advertising technologies, Brave Goodies - brutal desserts, as well as a line of tonic beverage premium class from "Fashion TV".

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