Chapter Marvel: Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans will remain in the film "For many, many years"


You should not forget about the Patriotic Captain of America / Steve Rogers, whose role for many years is performed by charming Chris Evans - it does not plan to replace MARVEL in the coming years either.

The fact that with the time of the aged actors who played the cult powerful characters will need to be replaced with new, young actors, understand everything. Kevin Faigi applies to this quite calmly, but pleased the fans of the film marvel by the fact that recaling in the near future it is definitely not foreseen. "Right now we do not need to think about it. Scene lines for this cast are painted for many, many years ahead, "the Faigi said.

Up until 2020, all MARVEL films are already painted. This is what the following film playlines looks like:

"Guardians of the Galaxy 2" will be released in May 2017

"Spiderman: Return home" - July 2017

"TOR: Ragnaret" - November 2017

"Black Panther" - February 2018

"Avengers: War of Infinity" - May 2018

"Muravy and Osa Man" - July 2018

"Captain Marvel" - March 2019

"Avengers 4" - May 2019

MARVEL projects - July 2019, May 2020, July 2020 and November 2020

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