Media: Lady Gaga meets with the star "Avengers" Jeremy Renner


Many Western media agreed that Lady Gaga could soon have a new boyfriend. According to US Weekly, the singer spends a lot of time with Jeremy Renner after parting with Christian Carino. Anonymous sources can not be said with confidence that there is a romantic connection between Gaga and Renner, but considering how much time she spends with him and his daughter Ava, they are not just friends. Eyewitnesses told the edition of Entertainment Tonight, which a few days ago saw a couple in the Black Rabbit Rose restaurant in Hollywood.

Media: Lady Gaga meets with the star

After breaking the engagement with Carino, Lady Gaga attributed a novel with a colleague on the film "The Star was born" Bradley Cooper, but the audience reacted pretty negatively to these rumors, since the actor is in relations with Irina Shake. Then the singer stated that they and Cooper simply faded everyone for the sake of a spectacular performance at Oscare. At some point, the media suspected a star in a romantic connection with Justinian Tera, but this information turned out to be false. Rumors about pregnancy itself Lady Gaga ridiculous, at the same time hinting at the speed of the musical album. Now fans can only wait and follow the development of events.

Media: Lady Gaga meets with the star

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