Wousy Goldberg Shador Disney Bella Thorn for candid photos


Non-easy situation Bella Thorn discussed the leading day talk show The View. 22-year-old actresses had to go to extreme measures, but Wüpi Goldberg did not appreciate her decision. During the discussion with other leading, she confidently stated: "If you are famous, I don't care how old you are. You just can't take pictures of yourself nude. As soon as you do this snapshot, it will fall into the cloud, and any hacker will be able to get to it. If someone is still not aware that in 2019 there is such a problem, then forgive me. You just can not do this. "

Wousy Goldberg Shador Disney Bella Thorn for candid photos 125805_1

Having heard similar from the once beloved actress, Bella could not keep silent and recorded universities. "I loved you for so long, but, frankly, is now very upset with this answer to the leakage of my photos. Is it really a girl can't send pictures to his boyfriend? How can I be afraid to go to your home or use the phone? Do you want our women to be so? " - the star asked.

Wousy Goldberg Shador Disney Bella Thorn for candid photos 125805_2

Wousy Goldberg Shador Disney Bella Thorn for candid photos 125805_3

Thorn clearly did not want to understand what Goldberg was talking about, which is not surprising. Unlike its former colleague of Zendai, the star of the "dance fever" after the rupture of contracts with Disney was set in all serious: increased the chest, replaced the image to a more provocative, became famous for non-drugs and problems with drug addiction.

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