Evangeline Lilly criticized Marvel stars, which complain about "too uncomfortable" superhero costumes


In one of the interviews Lilly, which is now not just a passing character, and a full-fledged superheroine with a full-fledged, apparently, the right to vote, unexpectedly drove through his men's colleagues.

"I constantly hear the superheroes MARVEL men complain about their costumes," began Evangeline. "I was given my costume, I calmly put on it, starred in it, made everything you need, and at the same time I thought -" Well, not so bad. Is it really my most convenient suit in MCU? ".

Then Lilly put a foot in a chamber in a high-heeled shoe - apparently that all viewers of the interview saw and appreciate the close-up and heel height - and continued: "Perhaps men simply do not have this experience - to sacrifice the sake of beauty. They are "" Well, what is it for nonsense, why should we suffer and bathe in these costumes? ", While women react differently - like" Well, I don't know, quite a normal costume, I am to work In general, I wear heels, I'm inconvenient all day - you get used to it. "

Video recording Interview with Evangelin:

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