Donald Trump spoke about the attitude towards Megan Marck: "Good luck will use Harry"


Recently, Megan and Harry for the first time after Megesite performed on American TV and called on people to go to the elections in November. After that, the journalists decided to ask Donald Trump that he was thinking about a pair and their call for voting.

The reporter asked Trump to comment on what "Megan and Harry call people to vote for Joe Bayden [the main opponent of Trump]," although the duke did not speak about it. And Trump answered:

I'm not a fan Megan, and she probably knows it. I wish Harry great good luck, because she will come in handy.

Donald Trump spoke about the attitude towards Megan Marck:

In a video, which couple took off in his backyard, Megan, as she is a US citizen, calls people to register for the polls and vote in November. Neither she nor her spouse highlighted a particular candidate.

Elections will be held six weeks later, and today the voter registration has begun. Every four years they have been told: "These are the most important elections in our life." But it's true. When we vote, our values ​​become real, and our voices are heard,

- Speaks in the video Megan. And Harry called on the audience to observe "information hygiene":

The closer November, the more important for us not to inject evil discussions, disinformation and negative on the network. All the information we absorb, has a real impact on us.

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