The creators of Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Junior intrigued an important announcement


In the Facebook group dedicated to the films about Sherlock Holmes, they published a short video in which Robert Downey Jr. in the image of Sherlock Holmes applies a finger to her lips and retries the word "September" on the typewriter. After that, the roller ends. Comment to the video says:

There is nothing more elusive than the most obvious. Mystery is waiting for you in September of this year!

It is unlikely that we are talking about the date of the premiere. Since it was initially reported that the premiere will be held in December 2021. Rather, you can talk about the start date of the shooting.

The plot of the film "Sherlock Holmes 3" is not disclosed. It is only known that the action in it will occur 9 years after the events of the film "Sherlock Holmes: the game of Shadows" 2011, and the heroes will move from England in the USA. California Cinematography Commission promised tape creators a significant tax deduction if the shooting will be held in the state.

Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Lowe will come back to the roles of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Dexter Fletcher appointed to the post of director. According to preliminary data, the project budget will exceed 100 million dollars.

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