Farewell to an iron man in "Avengers: Final" could be different


"Avengers: the final" became the culmination of history, which before this unfolded for 22 films, and in the titers of the blockbuster, you can find a reference to the original sixhero gears, which started the beginning of the entire MARVEL. This moment was fundamentally important for Kevin File, and the work on the titers was attracted by some of the best specialists - the design laboratory of Perception.

As it turned out, the designers had several options for completing the picture, and the fact that the audience saw in the end was the result of mixing their ideas and wishes of the File himself. Lab representatives said that the creation of titers was for them a very exciting work. Everyone was aware of what a huge responsibility to them is entrusted, but when the President of Marvel Studios proposed the idea of ​​the "exit to bis", the puzzle was formed.

Farewell to an iron man in

Farewell to an iron man in

In Perception understood: the titers should not be large and spectacular. They wanted to make something personal and sentimental to remind each of the last ten years kinovylenny. As the chief creative director of the studio explained such a decision, when the film ends, the fans no longer need special effects, "they just want to spend more time with the characters."

Farewell to an iron man in

Farewell to an iron man in

Designers showed several types of titles with Robert Downey Jr., but as a result, the picture with his participation turned out to be more humane and sincere. The final version included frames with each of the actors, behind which the cuts were shown with the participation of his hero, and by decision of the file all this was complemented by autographs.

So with the task, the Perception specialists coped perfectly - the titers of "Avengers: the final" turned out to be shrill and touching, leaving the audience to nostalgic about those whom the film deprived forever.

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