Zendai admitted that her lack of work during a pandemic


The American actress Zendai frankly told how the pandemic influenced her life. The Russian viewer, the celebrity was remembered as Michelle in the film "Spiderman. Return home "and" Spiderman: away from home. "

So, a 24-year-old star told that the lack of work during the pandemic period was very much frightened. At this time, she analyzed his life a lot and tried to understand what to do next. The actress admitted that he could not determine what could now be the main goal for her, which will be important for it, except for filming a movie. "I feel myself when I work. I felt that when I didn't work, my forces left, and I thought about who I am, "said his experiences of Zendai.

These feelings, according to the actress, strongly confused her. After his experiences, Zendai wanted to work even more diligent, so he turned to the creator of Euphoria Sam Levinson. Sandai starred in this project and received the Emmy Prize in the category "Best Actress in the Dramatic TV series". The celebrity wanted to repeat his success. As a result, Zendai, together with Levinson, prepare a new project, which will be hire in February of this year. The film "Malcolm and Maria" produces Netflix Studio. In this story, Zindai will play a major role. The partner of the actress will be John David Washington, which played the main role in the film "Argument".

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