Video: Tom Holland and Zindai perform tricks on the shooting of "Man-Spider 3"


Shooting "Man-Spider 3" is now held in Atlanta in high-priced mode, but it does not interfere with eyewitnesses from time to time to share various materials. Usually these are some minor snapshots outside the site, but today everything is different.

One of the Twitter users laid out a roller in which Kineomix Stars Tom Holland and Zindai are involved. On a published video recorded from afar, the actors are on a special tower and perform a tricky maneuver: keeping the safety cable, imitating the web, they jump down.

Along with those mentioned in the ribbon, Benedict Cumberbatch and Jamie Fox participate. The first will return to the image of Dr. Strange, and the star of the liberated will be to rethink the role of an antagonist of the electron, which he played in a blockbuster Mark Webba "New Spiderman: High Voltage". Also in the film play Marisa Tome, Jacob Batalon, Tony Realori and, probably, J. K. Simmons.

The director of previous two paintings by John Watts is responsible for the director of the tricvel, the script wrote the authors of the "return home" and "away from home" Chris McKenna and Eric Sommers. The plot details are thoroughly hidden.

"Spiderman 3" will be released on December 17, 2021.

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