To tears: the history of the film marvel was shown in two minutes


Film Marvel began its history in 2008, when the "Iron Man" came out on the screens with Robert Downey Jr. in the lead role. In total, over the past years, the fans saw 23 films in which more dozen superheroes were represented.

The first film, which gathered a whole team of characters, was "Avengers" (2012), and since then the events of each tape have somehow led to the fact that the audience saw in the climax of the infendness of infinity - blockbuster "Avengers: Final".

To tears: the history of the film marvel was shown in two minutes 126406_1

The tape, which beat the record at the cash collecting, caused Marvel from the fans a whole storm of emotions. It was not easy to say goodbye to your favorite heroes, and the realization that the third phase of the universe was over and then the events will develop on an unpredictable scenario, many made to load.

And now, waiting for the beginning of the fourth phase, you can look around the whole path passed. One of the marvel fans has published on his YouTube Channel Roller, which covered all the films released, collecting the most iconic, dynamic moments and genuine experiences. Nostalgia rolls, so it is not to be surprised if this two-minute roller will bring someone to tears.

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And even though Saga Infinity came to an end, ahead of Marvel big plans. It is already known that until 2022, eight films will be released on the screens, as well as on Disney + you can see several TV shows with your favorite characters.

Yes, according to the appearance of the filmsened Marvel films about superheroes existed decades, and yet, it is thanks to the studio and its ingenious decisions that this genre is now at the peak of popularity. The fourth phase will begin in November, when the "black widow" will be released on the screens.

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