Ryan Reynolds spoke about endless opportunities for Dadpool in Marvel


After the transaction between Disney and Fox the rights to all people of X, including Dadpool, Marvel returned. But these two segments of the franchise are in completely different stages. If the main stories about the people of X are already told, the story of Deadpool just begins.

Ryan Reynolds spoke about endless opportunities for Dadpool in Marvel 126412_1

At the same time, Waid Wilson is a completely special superhero that does not quite organically fit into the film marvel. Movies about it have R-rating, while other stories are designed for a family audience. Therefore, the question arises whether "Deadpool" will become a separate franchise or will remain part of the heroic film. According to the artist of this role Ryan Reynolds, he does not care. He answered the question of journalists:

I see endless possibilities in any option. If Deadpool is in the filmsened Marvel, it will be amazing and explosive. If he gets a solo project, then there are also stalking prospects.

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The previous two films about the talkative mercenary, though there were part of the franchise of the people of X, but remained separate from them. None of the other films have never been an important part of the films about Deadpool. Therefore, the possibility of choosing any of the two possible ways of development is still preserved. Before the premiere of the third film, the audience will not recognize what path disney and Marvel Studios were chosen.

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