When shooting? The scenario of the series "Woman Hulk" has already been completed


Writer of the series "Woman Hulk" Dana Schwartz published in his Twitter post:

The script "Women Hulk" is completed. So, if you are a Showranner, who needs a screenwriter who writes well, inserts a joke in the text and knows a lot of funny historical facts, you can surprise me with a new task.

This post means that the script has already been transferred to the studio. And the show can begin at any time. The series will tell about Jennifer Walters, Bruce Banner's cousin / Hulk. After the local criminal boss submits to her killer, it urgently requires blood transfusion. Having received the blood of the Hulk, she gets and superconduble with her. According to rumors, the role of the Hulk can again fulfill Mark Ruffalo.

In addition, the other day was also completed work on the scenario of the series "Lunar Knight". Director General Disney Robert Aiger said that it is very important for the company that creative teams manage to work under insulation conditions. Single praise from it was awarded screenwriters.

When shooting? The scenario of the series

While there is no approved graphics of filming "Women Hulk". Work on the series can begin at any time, it all depends on the development of the situation with the coronavirus pandemic.

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