The original Hulk no longer exists in the film marvel


On April 26, he was exactly a year from the premiere of "Avengers: Final", and on this occasion the Rousseau brothers joined the quarantine party, during which they answered some questions of fans. For example, one of them asked whether she was hiding somewhere in the depths of a new smart Hulk Hulk original superhero.

The original Hulk no longer exists in the film marvel 126420_1

In response, the director stated that "the person who now exists is a new essence, the merger of Bruce Banner and Hulk." This means that the new version of the character of one and individual warring sides of the hero Mark Ruffalo is no longer.

This new information from Anthony and Joseph definitely gives fans an idea of ​​what they can expect from Hulk in the future. Although he has no solo film, Banner may well appear in the TV series "Woman Hulk", which will go to Disney +.

"And here we have another family chatern Rousseau. Lia, Daughter Joe, Julian, Son Anthony, and Outhi nephew "

Recall, the plot of the show is associated with the story of Jennifer Walters, a lawyer from New York, which becomes a woman-halcom after an emergency blood transfusion from his cousin Banner. Although it is expected that the series will be released not earlier than 2022, fans do not lose faith in the best.

Bruce is a key part of the history of the new superheroid, but the participation of Ruffalo in the series has not yet been confirmed. True, even if he does not appear there, the Hulk has many opportunities to show themselves in the future of the film marvel.

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