"Tears of envious tears": The media found out that Ksenia Sobchak suffers Milliona losses


Ksenia Sobchak is now rightfully one of the most discussed media driver in the Russian show business. A scandalous journalist, in addition to speeches on television and projects on the Internet, several years ago decided to establish a marketing and PR-company with his girlfriend Julia.

"You can endlessly look at how the heights bombed, how the tears of enviousness flow and how our Leaders are growing and developing. Out with Julia Pondko Info-Market Marketing Agency Leaders in the market for only half a year, and it is already at me with regular periodicity that some strong representatives of the media industry are very nervous, seeing serious competitors in us, "wrote" Blonde in Chocolate "in his Instagram.

But everything turned out to be not so simple: despite the numerous statements of Sobchak, it became known that her business would suffer large losses and was not even able to recoup the investment funds. Komsomolskaya Pravda conducted his investigation, after which he found out that Ksenia, who owns a half business, has invested more than a million rubles in the company, and at the same time LIDERS LLC completed last year with losses in the amount of almost 8 million rubles. In the year before last, the company's profit was only 3.5 million rubles per year. At the same time, the TV host itself, according to her, earns enough to ensure itself and the son of Plato with everything necessary.

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