"I have a very mean tactic": Ksenia Sobchak described how to build love in marriage


In one of the latest programs of your own Youtube show "Caution, Sobchak!" Ksenia included an episode of the conversation with a psychologist who was invited to participate in an interview with Nikita Efremov. In a frank conversation, the secular lioness admitted that in relations with men uses the experience that her mother Lyudmila Nastov shared with her. At the beginning of the star puts them with imaginary weakness, admiration, and then "drives into the corner on the rug."

Now Ksenia is married to Konstantin Bogomolov, about marriage with whom it became known in September 2019. From the side of the couple looks happy, but after recognition of the journalist, the situation does not look like such iris. "I have a very meticulous tactic. Here I can make a mattress kin? When a matter of divorce is already going, a man for some reason in the corner on the rug and does not really understand why it turned out there, "the TV presenter is divided into a psychologist. Sobchak admitted that such tactic is very effective when she wants to win the own territory.

The star may be weak and feminine, but it is enough for a short time. The moment when the change of leading places in the relationship begins, Ksenia called the demonstration of weaknesses by the second half. As soon as she begins to see the shortcomings of the lover, there is a transformation in the relationship.

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