More about "Ode of Happiness" Keanu Rivza


The book came out with a limited edition of 4,000 copies and was confined almost to the anniversary of the "advertising company of an excellent guy Kiana Rivza." Who forgot or did not know, last year on June 15, the American media arranged "Kiana Rivza Day: Smile!" For which the actor fans reacted in various world around the world. As positively, laying out his smiling snapshots in the global network and discussing his films, and negatively, that, they say, the media do not cease to climb into his life and emphasize the attention on the accuracy of the actor to smile in 33 tooth!

At the presentation of the book, the Hollywood actor was in the company of artist Alexandra Grant, whose original illustrations of a couple with original verses of the Halllywood actor have already managed to make noise. Some of the imitation of Japanese poetry, others - psychedelica of the 80s, the third - the scream of the soul and the wrong fatigue, sadness and even doomed, and the rest, on the contrary, saw the wrong stamps of the actor over all journalistic stamps, which were keen to Keanu Rivza in recent years . In the illustrations, Alexandra Grant Some even saw not just the artist's associations on the texts of the actor, but the pictures are "many-sided" blots, well, you know those that psychiatrists in their cabinets check patients to be accumulated.

True fans Keanu Rivza know that the actor did not appealed for the first time for the first time. Back in 1995, in an interview with the Vanity Fair, the star "Matrix" quoted a couple of his thoughts in verses than then pretty surprised by the Hollywood public. In subsequent years, when at different-press conferences, the actor was in a great mood, he repeatedly pleased those present, quoting something from his own. Whether Keanu Rivz finally decided to show his other side to the world: the poet-philosopher, writes the British Guardian, whether his return lunge on all this endless media accents about his closets and frosts. In any case, Keanu Rivz himself in the epigheral of his "Oda happiness" is not particularly wisdom and reports that "this picture book is for adults who preferred to learn to see paints."

Thanks to British fans who have already managed to buy "Odea happiness" Keanu Rivza, several texts of poems and illustrations from the book appeared on the network. For Russian translation of poetry Thanks to the Russian fan club Keanu Rivza Keanu.Ru

All subsequent proposals,

Left in the past regret

And memory captured phrases and poems

In my soul, heart, thoughts, but not on the mouth ...

Sokro I am my soul gust

And the song this hide is somewhere deep,

Let it be flattened ...

Half-Sentences, Half-Utterances Searching in The Past,

Grappling, Groping, Never Last.

In My Body, in My Heart, and in My Mind,

But NOT ON MY Tongue!

And So My Song Remains Unsung.

Nalu yourself a bath of sadness,

Near the cast of a candle suffering,

I smell the body with soap pain,

Hair - shampooogue regrets.

I won later white-white

(one hundred percent pure cotton!)

A towel "nothing will change",

I will carry a lotion "I deserve nothing"

Face smearing cream "Hate yourself"

And in pajamas "again alone" hiding.

And I will go to sleep ... And when you, when one day

Die want from boredom

Or drink poison from annoyance -

Recall these lines again:

It may always be worse!

I Draw A Hot Sorrow Bath

In My Despair Room

With a Misery Candle Burning

I Wash My Hair Wash Regret Shampoo

After Cleaning MySelf With Pain SOAP

I Dry MySelf With My Gorgeous White

One HundRed Percent and It Will Never Change Towel

Then Smooth On My I Don't Deserve Lotion





And You Can't Quite Grin And Bear It

Let This Word Picture Remind You


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