Jennifer Aniston is preparing the ground for returning "friends"?


If a few years ago, the "Friends" stars unanimously assured that he would never agree to reunite and do not want to see their heroes who were aged, then today, then another participant of the caste warms the hope of "Oldskul" fans that "Friends" Still return. So Jennifer Aniston, who for several weeks has been engaged in promoting his new film "Mysterious Murder", during the press tour I also remembered "friends."

At the show Ellen, Dezhereshes Actress strained that, offered to her who now return to Rachel's role, she would have agreed: "Well, why not? Listen, I already said you: I would agree. "

Moreover, according to Aniston, and her ex-colleagues for "friends" would now be not opposed to the continuation of the Sitkom.

"Girls would agree. And men, too, I am sure, Eiston emphasized. - Listen, can anything happen to happen. "

In inconsistency, Jennifer should not be reproached: and a year ago, in an interview with Instyle actress, the actress confessed that he periodically imagines the revival of the series. "Courtney, I and Lisa sometimes discuss it ... I fantasize how everything could be. After all, for me it really was the best job. I don't know how it all looked today, but never knows what awaits you in the future. "

Jennifer in the "Mysterious Murder" trailer:

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