"And here I break the heel": Julia Menshova told about the confusion on the "Seagull" premium


Actress Theater and Movie Julia M. Meshovova told about a funny story, which happened to her during the premium of the "Seagull" award last year. In his personal blog, she published a story that followed subscribers.

Thus, the 51-year-old actress admitted that he loves stories that could be described as "idiotic situations." She remembered such a situation that happened to her. Actress, along with a colleague on stage - actor Valery Nikolaev, was waiting for the scenes of his turn to hand over the award. Meshsov for such a case was solemnly dressed and chose heels shoes, which summed up their mistress. "I take a step towards the scenes, and ... I break the heel! That's right under the root. What should I do? There is no time to search for a good soul with a suitable size, "the actress's story began.

According to the leading current show "I myself", there was too little time, so she decided to go barefoot. Valery Nikolaev decided to support his partner and also took off his shoes. "But at the last moment it offers:" No, let's lend you boots, you are still a lady, and I'm a gentleman, I will go out with barefoot, but with your shoes in your hands. " So they did, "said Menshov.

However, the story did not end. According to the idea of ​​the organizers of the award, everyone who goes on the stage should appear on it, descending from the stairs, which first need to get climbs. "The painful overcoming of the staircase in shoes, which struggled to the leg with difficulty and struggled to fall, completely populated by the applause of the audience," the actress remembered. In addition, she noted that the theater public is always located to Yumor.

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