"That's the legs!": Julianna Karaulova in a piquant mini shook Daria Frost


Julianna Karaulova in ordinary life loves comfortable outfits, shapeless sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers. But for a photo session and speeches on stage 32-year-old singer chooses more feminine and sexy images. So, during the next photo session, Julianna had to go to an ultra-mini black dress with a deep neckline, long sleeves and a loop. The hair of the artist is removed back, and from accessories stylists chose massive earrings and black boats on a high heel. Karaulova Tomno covers her mouth, prizes looking into the camera and smiles.

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Все-таки себя не обманешь. Людей вокруг тоже. ⠀ ⠀ Сколько бы я ни пыталась строить из себя томную мадам, как на фотосетах, так и в музыке, выстреливает всегда только позитив. Внутри меня живет солнце, и, кажется, пора перестать этого стесняться. Не всем же быть томными чиками: кто-то должен улыбаться во весь рот, смеяться до слез, в сложном искать простое и классное (а не наоборот) и по-детски любить людей и мир. Спасибо, что пока это все так взаимно ?? ⠀ ⠀ Photo @t_sadchikova⠀ Style @dianavinokurova⠀ Clothes @isida_brand⠀ Accessories @cosmosmoscow ⠀ Style assistant @ivyktoriiya⠀ ⠀

Публикация от Yulianna Karaulova (@yulianna_karaulova)

"No matter how much I tried to build a Tomny Madam, both on photostets and music, just shoots only positive. The sun lives inside me, and it seems it's time to stop it to be shy. Not to all be languid chiki: someone must smile in full mouth, laugh to tears and in childish to love people and peace, "the pictures commented on Julianna.

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Котики, 1/2/3?)

Публикация от Yulianna Karaulova (@yulianna_karaulova)

The users of the social network admired the singer's beautiful way and in vain began to write compliments under the post. Among the fans were colleagues on show business.

"This is your feet!" - wrote actress Daria Moroz.

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