In the Black Panther 2, a digital version of the shedvik of Bowness may appear


In the career of the bokesma, who died in August of this year, the role of T'ochia in films of the filmmoven Marvel was one of the most famous and popular. After the death of the actor, a serious difficulty for the creators of the Sicvel "Black Panther" will be organically removed the hero from the plot of the franchise.

Exact information about how the absence of a central character will be explained in the film, no. Judging by the circulating in media space, rumors, the costume of the Black Panther in the new Marvel projects will try the younger sister T', Shuri, whose role is performed by the British actress Wright. However, this does not cancel the need to complete the history of the Hero of Boxesman and show why it will no longer rule the vacancing and reincarnate into the Black Panther.

However, probably the character will still appear in the future film. According to rumors, Marvel Studio intends to recreate bow healthcose with computer graphics. These conversations recently confirmed the writer, the author of the comic and Youtube-blogger Grace Randolph, writing in his account on Twitter:

"Here is a big inside about the film marvel. I heard that they are engaged in the creation of a digital twin of the sampling of Bowness, which looks very realistic. The current plan is that Tokoch will die in the battle at the beginning of the film, and Shuri will become a new black panther. "

The Disney Studio, which belongs to Marvel Studios, already has a similar experience. In the films "Izgoy-one. Star Wars: Stories "and" Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "were recreated CGI versions of Peter Kushing and Carrie Fisher.

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