Justin Bieber removed his Instagram account after a quarrel with Selena Gomez


Recently, Justin almost published daily in his Instagram together with Sophia Richie and, of course, his fans began to go crazy against jealousy. On the whole negative, which ended with an endless flow in the photo, Justin Bieber replied radical - threatening to remove an account in Instagram, if insults do not stop. It seems that the threat of disintegration fans did not stop - and on Tuesday morning Bieber led a threat to execution.

The conflict of Justin Bieber and his fans the other day intervened by Selena Gomez, who left a comment under one of the photos of Bieber in his Instagram: "You can not cope with hatred - stop posting the photo of my girl, Lol, they should be special and only for you two. Do not be angry on their fans. They loved you and supported long before it began to do someone else. "

On, in principle, the sensible words of Selena Gomez, their former girl, Bieber answered Roughly, hinting that she was trite in due time: "It's funny to see how people who used me for popularity are still trying to point with the finger" .

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