Too cute! Chris Hemsworth fed kid Koala, victims of fires


Chris Hemsworth melted the hearts of fans, appearing in the documentary film National Geographic. In the special release of the TV channel 36-year-old executor of the role of Torah joyfully smiles and feeds the cubs of Koala from the syringe at the Currumbin Wildlife hospital. The baby was saved from a fire, which rages in the forests of Australia.

In the new release of National Geographic, the activities of the Mentioned Hospital and the Friends of The Koala are mentioned. Chris noted that "It is an honor for him to become part of this TV project.

I met the charming young koala named Amber and watched his recovery. Look at this issue,

- Posted Hemsworth in microblog.

Prior to this, Chris has already collaborated with Friends of The Koala - in March he visited them and made a cute photo with a little Koaloy named Jones, who sat on Chris's hands and hugged her toy copy.

Too cute! Chris Hemsworth fed kid Koala, victims of fires 127018_1

Earlier this year, Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataki supported the Koala Return campaign. The pair placed a picture with photographer David Yarou in their social networks and called on subscribers to buy his photographic capacity on which he captured the adult coal who survived in a terrible fire. Half funds from the sale of photographs of the star sent to fight a forest fire.

Join us, get a hero for Koal!

- they called.

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