Tyler Rake would beat Torah? The coach of Chris Hemsworth spoke about the preparation for "Salvation Operations"


For a decade, Chris Hemsworth played the role of the Scandinavian God Torah. And during this time, it was necessary to get into the habit of being in excellent physical form. But after filming at Tyler Rake: Operation on Salvation ", the actor said that physical preparation for the film was the most difficult thing he had ever done to the movies. Is it really more difficult for mercenary than God? This question was asked by the actor's personal trainer Luke Zhchichi. And that's what he replied:

The preparation of Chris to "Salvation Operations" was more intense than other roles. He increased his daily workouts, including running and the exercise itself. But this time we had to do underwater training with dumbbells. We had to cover the entire possible spectrum of action - from swimming to movements in martial arts.

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And indeed, in the militant Sam Hargreyva Hemsworth had to perform a huge number of tricks. At the same time with the minimum use of green screens and computer graphics. But this hard work paid off, Tyler Rake will appear at least in two continuations. Though it is less than ten Torah roles, but only for now.

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