Writer "Clan Soprano" spoke about the favorite moments of the final series


Almost everyone has its own opinion about the ending of the famous Gangster series "Clan Soprano". Already thirteen years have passed since the episode "Made in America" ​​entered the ether, bringing viewers into confusion by a sharp breakdown of the narration. The further fate of Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) was never disclosed, but the discussions do not subscribe to this day. At the same time, the final episode "Clan Soprano" was rich at memorable moments. The creator and the lead screenwriter of the series David Chase as part of a fresh online interview shared, what details of the road personally to him:

I love the scene with junior at the very end. I like everything connected with Junior, especially in this episode. When Junis says Junior: "Bobby is dead," and Junior answers: "Ambassador Hotel!" And then she says: "Your Bobby!" This is one of my most favorite moments.

Even Chase noted one small detail from the scene in which Tony and his team are hidden on a conspiracy apartment:

I mean one thing, which is hardly anyone draws attention. When they are suitable for mattresses, there is a series of "Twilight Zone" about the television screenwriter. This is one of my favorite moments. This reference to the "twilight zone" - criticism and contempt for network television. As for me, it is very funny.


Note that we are talking about the episode of the Twilight Zone called "Bard", which was released in 1963.

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