NetFlix canceled the shooting of the series in Turkey due to the character-gay


According to Financial Times, the Turkish mini-series IF Only ("Unless"), the production of which is engaged in NetFlix, has been accepted by the Turkish authorities, which led to the cessation of filming - said Showranner Ejj Yorench. The negative reaction from the authorities caused the fact that among the five leading heroes if only there is gay. At the same time, Yorench claims that no frank or hinting for sex scenes with the participation of this character in the series in any case did not foresee.

Netflix did not make concessions and change the existing script, deciding and abandoned the filming if only. It is curious that work on the site has already managed to begin, which confirm the photos published by the actress of Ozpirinchji Oz. At the same time, the American stream service compensated for the losses that the Turkish Studio Ay Yapim. Despite the conflict with local authorities, Netflix announced its intention to continue to cooperate with Turkish cinematographers.

The ruling party of justice and development in Turkey in the person of one of its members confirmed that if only was denied permission to continue shooting:

Are you awaiting collective apologies to Netflix? Or what should we do? Are we obliged to agree with everything that does NetFlix make the standards promoted? Are you not the right to have your own opinion on one or another issues?

After the closure, if only Jorench published in his Twitter quotation of the General Director of Netflix Rida Hastings two years ago. Then Hastings stated that he did not expect any problems with censorship in Turkey, because NetFlix has experience in successful cooperation with other Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

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