"Witcher": Why Geralt and Yennipher can not have children?


As in any other fictional universe, in the world of "Witcher" their laws have their own laws, and it concerns this as a fantasy cycle of the writer Angeya Sapkovsky and the new multi-segment adaptation, which successfully started on Netflix at the end of last year. One of these immutable laws is that the witches and sorcerers are not able to have children. But what exactly is this limitation explain?

The TV series "Witcher" moves down somewhat from the literary source, focusing on three characters, whose stories unfold in different places and at different periods of time. This disparate story acquires integrity only in the final of the first season. The main characters of the "Witcher" - Monsters Hunter Geralt from Rivia (Henry Cavill), a powerful sorcerer of Yennipher from Vengenberg (Anya Calotra), as well as Princess Cirill (Freya Allan), which also discovers supernatural forces. In the course of the first season, the audiences are witnessing how Yennipher is going through the sterilization process. Meanwhile, the cursions are started in running, and Heralt goes to her search until the heroes are finally found in the end of the first season.

Since the Cyrgy family is dead, Heralt acts for her as a father's figure, whereas she is akin to his daughter. Like Yennipher, Heralt cannot have children. Preparation and training The Witcher begins from an early age. Heralt still had to undergo alchemical manipulations, complex mutations and intensive physical training. As a result, he acquired superhuman strength, speed and endurance, but at the same time he became fruitless. In the series, this is not shown, because the audience immediately see adult herasta, but such a story becoming aware of anyway.

As for Yennipher, then she, like most of the magicians, is incapable of childbear, but in secret looking for a way to return its maternal potential. In the case of sorcerers, infertility is the reverse side of the magic abilities that undermine the reproductive system. It is curious that the mother of Geralle was also a witch, but it did not prevent her to have many children. Another thing is that many of them were dangerous and went crazy.

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