Kiana Rivz, Nicole Kidman, Oscar Isaac and others will help the audience to fall asleep


There are serials so unsuccessful that the audience fall asleep while watching. The HBO Max service hopes to create the first successful series, deciding the same task. The 10-serial series will be called "peace of calm" and tell relaxing stories. Each of the series will have its own story, designed to "move the viewer into a state of calm through a scientifically developed narrative, charming music and stunning personnel in order to naturally reassure the body and mind." When creating a series, filmmakers have collaborated with the creators of the popular application for Calm smartphones, which also helps users sleep.

Kiana Rivz, Nicole Kidman, Oscar Isaac and others will help the audience to fall asleep 127111_1

The series collected the starry composition of the performers. Soothing stories will read Mahershal Ali, Kiana Rivz, Nicole Kidman, Idris Elba, Oscar Isaac, Zoe Kravitz, Lucy Lew and Killian Murphy.

HBO Max Vice President Jennifer O'Connell talks about the project:

Considering significant stress and chaos that we all experience in this particular difficult time, a small controlled relaxation would be useful. And the "peace of calm" should help in this. We hope that with your soothing stories this project will become the usual part of your daily reality.

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