Christopher Khivev told how Tormund and John Snow took up after departing for the wall


In the end of the final season "Games of the Thrones", John Snow and Tormund Giant Death decided to leave Westeros and go to the distant journey to the north on the other side of the wall. It is not known what fate I have suffered a traveler in the future, but the playman who played Tordanda Christopher Khivev is confident that such an outcome only strengthened friendship between two heroes.

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John is in deep depression, so he needs Tormunde, who would use him while they sit side by side and warm by the fire. But the heart of Tormund is also broken - it may also contribute to the fact that they will understand each other even better,

Said Heaven in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

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Also, the actor shared his experiences in connection with the end of the "Game of Thrones" and those changes that, in the course of the series, occurred with his character:

Awareness that everything ended, it did not come immediately. At first, the end came with the completion of the filming, then the end was the exit to the ether, and after the end became ceremony with the awards. But it was already perceived as a final chord. And it was great. I gave Tormund all that could only. I like the path that my character did, "he walked in love and become a fun friend. He began in the series as one of the antagonists, and finished as a big Mishutka.

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At the end of the "Game of Thrones", Khivew has already managed to play in the Norwegian dramatic series "twin", in which he fulfilled two roles at once. Also, the actor played one of the characters in the recently recently film "Under Sunshi".

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