HBO channel will remove the series-short to "Batman" Matt Rivza


The other day it became known that HBO MAX will be engaged in the production of the dramatic series, the action of which will unfold in Gotham City, and the local police department will be in the center of the narration. The authors have not yet received the name of the project will be Matt Rivz and Terens Winter ("underground empire", "clan soprano"). According to the journalist Justin Roll from Variety, the upcoming series will be directly related to restarting "Batman" with Robert Pattinson, becoming his prehistory. Roll wrote in Twitter:

Without a notion, it is worth waiting for Pattinson's appearance, but I learned that the events of the series will take place before "Batman", a story about how Gotham is a mirror in corruption and was under the control of criminals.

HBO channel will remove the series-short to

The full-length "Batman" has already managed to conquer the fame of one of the most anticipated projects of Warner Bros. The filming of the film started in March, but were interrupted because of the coronavirus pandemic. In this regard, the prime minister was postponed by September 30, 2021. As for the series about the Gotam police, then there are no preliminary dates. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that Rivz and his associates seriously and took up the Batman for a long time, planning to create a new separate universe. These plans were supported by a recent prisoner between Rivz and Warner Bros. Television Group.

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