Star "Anatomy of Passion" Patrick Dempsey returns to television in a political drama


The fans of Patrick Dempsey, who played Dr. Derek Shepard in the "Anatomy of Passion," there is a reason for joy. The other day it turned out that the actor received a major role in the new TV series "Paths and Means". The drama leader will be the leader of the Congress (Dempsey), who lost faith in politics and secretly works with an idealistic young woman-Congressman from the opposing party.


Dempsey character dreams of destroying the system that came to a dead end, which he himself helped create. His colleague is ready to do everything to try to save American politics, and the only rule that they have, - to remain unmarried.

Mike Murphy and ED Redlich will work on the "paths and means", and Dempsey will not only play a major role, but will perform the executive director. The CBS company will be engaged in the production of the show.

The role in the upcoming series marked the return of Patrick on television screens after he left the "anatomy of passion" after eleven seasons. Since then, he starred in Bridget Jones 3 and the TV series "True about Harry Kebert's novel."


By the way, "ways and funds" are not the only new series that CBS plans to show in 2020-2021. Also, the TV company ordered the production of pilot series of rethinking the equalizer show with Kuin Latifa in the lead role, serial adaptation of the film "Lincoln for a lawyer" and a project focused on Clariss Starling from the "silence of the lambs". True, the dates of the premiere of the serials are not yet called.

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