Black bisexual from "God Zafrendil" will replace Ruby Rose in "Battheumen"


The CW channel reports that he coped with the task facing him - to find a new LGBT representative for the lead role in the TV series "Battheumen", which would also be an actress. The new owner of the heroic raincoat will be Javia Leslie. She has already commented on casting results:

I'm incredibly proud that I became the first black actress, which will play this important role. As a bisexual woman, I am also glad that I can join the project that I did so much for the LGBT community.

Black bisexual from

The previous executive of the role of Battheumen Ruby Rose, who left the series by impatible reasons, responded to the news in his Instagram:

This is amazing! I'm so glad that Battheumen will play an amazing black woman. Congratulations to presidently Leslie with accession at an amazing film crew. I can not wait when I can see the second season. I am sure you will be gorgeous.

Leslie will play a character named Ryan Wildler. It is described as nice, slightly stupid and unadigital. Ryan is a former drug addict living in a van with a flower as a pet. The girl is described as the most dangerous type of fighter - highly developed skills and complete absence of discipline.

Earlier, Leslie starred in the TV series "God Zafrendil" and "Family Business" and in the film "Eternal Bride's Girlfriend".

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