Stephen Amell suffered a panic attack, discussing the completion of the series "Strela"


Even in December, Stephen Amell, who played Oliver Quina in the series "Arrow", visited the subcaster Inside of You. But suddenly the actor felt so badly that he asked to interrupt the recording and went home. And here a few weeks later, he returned to honestly tell what exactly happened to him.

As it turned out, the actor survived a real panic attack. Stephen said that he was beat of chills, and the sweat literally rolled Grad. Partially the problem, according to him, was that after eight years of filming in the superhero series, which obliges him to constant physical exertion, he could not accept the dramatically changed regime.

I went in a king with physical training that in her absence I had no endorphin emission for a long time,

- Amell admitted. And then so smoked that he complained about the fallen libido.

Stephen Amell suffered a panic attack, discussing the completion of the series

Stephen said that before returning to the record of the podcast, even visited the doctor, however, it turned out that nothing threatens his health.

And then the moment of awareness comes that all this is in my head, and it is even worse. I would prefer them to tell me that you just need to remove the spleen,

- Jold actor.

It turns out, Amell simply did not survive to the end of parting with the show and did not give himself the opportunity to exhale, and in the end his body just gave up. The actor admitted that he really needed a break and finally was able to enjoy the rest, to then return to the record of the podcast and his story to warn others from excessive immersion in the work.

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