Need more Asians: the producer "killing Eve" listens to the anti-racistic criticism


A few weeks ago, the screenwriter of the famous British series "Killing Eve" had negligence to share a screenshot of the meeting in Zoom with their colleagues to the Writers. Probably the reaction that follows this, no one could predict.

Need more Asians: the producer

Fans raised a real wave of indignation, accusing the creators of the show in an insufficient racial diversity.

In the "killing Eve" the main character of Asian origin, but why there is not a single Asian writer there?

- One of the social network users was wondering. Another fan stressed that the scenarios or directors of the non-European appearance did not work over three seasons of the show, and also shared a curious conclusion: they say, it is standing on the site to appear a color actor of the second plan, as by the end of the season it is necessarily thrown out of the game.

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Producer Sally Woodword Gentle During the discussion on Seriesfest, he noticed that the situation was really bad, and added that he would take full responsibility for the lack of racial diversity.

You look at the meeting of the authors, and there are full of wonderful writers, we have a really strong contingent LGBTK, but all this is not enough, we need to work better,

- She saw the Showranner.

By the way, a weakly developed racial diversity in the British film industry criticized Sandra O (Eva). In an interview with Variety, the actress noticed that the country is far behind in this regard and sometimes there are situations when it turns out to be one among the "75 white people" on the court.

Need more Asians: the producer

Well, perhaps, the Showranners will react to the anger of human rights defenders and really add more diversity among actors and in the Writers team. The fourth season "killing Eve" should go on the screens next year.

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