The series "Protecting Jacob" with Chris Evans received the date of the premiere: the first shots


Apple TV + officially announced the release of the mini-series "Protecting Jacob", which is based on the Roman-Bestseller of William Landy, published in 2012. Chris Evans and Michel Doctor will play the film in the film - they will play a married couple, whose 14-year-old son was accused of murdering his classmate. It is noteworthy that the boy will play Jayden Martell, who became famous for one of the main roles in the Dilogy "It" on Stephen King. The premiere of the first three episodes of the series will be held on April 24, while the entire TV show will have 8 episodes.

The series

Interestingly, "Protecting Jacoba" will be the second film in a row, in which Evans and Marell will appear on the screen together - before that they played in a detective to "get knives". Commenting on their participation in the upcoming TV series, Evans said:

Sometimes I can be capricious, so I usually do not hurry with the choice of new roles. But with this project, everything was different: I mentally I returned to him, because this idea was firmly lit in my head. When I spent the first negotiations with the creators of the series, I felt that I would certainly have to play in this film.

The series

Showranner "Protecting Jacob" will be Mark Bombek, while the director's chair will take Morten Tildum, famous for such paintings as "game in imitation", "Hunters for heads" and "passengers".

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