Finn Wolfehard spoke about the shooting of the 4th season of "very strange affairs": "We did not give the script"


In the morning Talk Show, Wolfgard reminded the premiere of the horror movie "Nanny", where he starred as a syrotrian of Miles. In Russia's cinemas, the film will be released on April 30.

Also during the conversation, Finn stated that in a month he would return to the Atlanta on the shooting of the new season of "very strange affairs."

A couple of months we began to shoot the fourth season. Yes, everything is secret. Journalists are constantly asking me: "And tell us anything about the new season of the series." And I say they that we were still not given the scripts a week ago, so I have nothing to tell. Sometimes we give two series, and it is necessary to work without preparation,

- noted the actor. We will remind, in "very strange affairs" Wolfhard plays Michael Wieler, one of the main characters of the series.

In a recent interview with Raan Reynolds, a 17-year-old actor told how he copes with the glory, which the series brought him. Reynolds noted that friends refer to Finn "Ultired, disciplined, smart and charming young man."

I have wonderful parents, a wonderful family that supports me, but at the same time keeps in the cord. Discipline praised me in a strange way when I was 7 or 8 years old,

- Shared Wolfhard.

Finn Wolfehard spoke about the shooting of the 4th season of

To the question, what is the famous young actor, Finn replied:

While I am not 18, I consider me a child-actor, it is pretty fashionable today. When it comes to the actors' children, everyone thinks that they go to crazy parties and hang out with the stars in the clubs. But I don't care how it all looks like that in my instagram, many strange subscribers appear. I appreciate all this, but I'm not here for this. I think about the ultimate goal and about what I all.

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