Until 2080: It became known how long will be "alien" and whether she has spin-off


It turned out that Starz not only discusses plans for the continuation of the series, but also prepares a number of spin-offs, sequels and plot extensions. As President Jeffrey Hirsche TV channel said in an interview with Deadline, "while the fans want to continue this story," Stranger "will remain on the screen."

Later, Hirsch added that the series has many opportunities to become wider, offering the audience a number of parallel stories.

We continue to think about it all and discuss with our partners in Sony. I hope we find something truly beautiful and will continue to tell this story,

- The head of Starz shared. True, he also stressed that it was too early to talk about something concrete.

Until 2080: It became known how long will be

And the executive producer of "Strankranki" Maryl Davis spoke out about the future show no less rosy. She stated that Katrina Balf and Sam Hugheen would play the main characters "until they were 100." Maryl also noted that the author of a series of books, which formed the basis of a television story about Fraisers, a lot of works, and she is ready to continue to work on the show, "if the actors want this."

By the way, the fans of the "alien" repeatedly asked the creators of the series to develop the plot line of the Lord Gray, a faithful friend of key characters. Diana Gabdon has already written a number of novels dedicated to him, so that the dreams of fans may well become a reality.

In the meantime, it remains only to count the days before the premiere of the fifth season. "Stranger" will return to screens on February 16.

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