The series "Firefly" can get a continuation after almost 20 years


In the era of restarts, remakes and continuing there is always a chance that a series of life will receive a new life from the past. Replenish the number of reborn projects may and the fantastic series "Firefly", which went out in 2002-2003. In a conversation with TheWrap, the head of the Fox TV channel and the executive producer "Firefly" Tim Mainir answered the question if the series had a perspective to return to the screens in the near future.

The series

According to Torn, FOX would be with interest to such an initiative. Another thing is that this requires an updated "Firefly" concept, which would not have lost the virtues of the original, but at the same time they would look in modern.

The series

As for the minirair, the best format for the resumption of "Firefly", in his opinion, would be a mini-series, which would take place from 8 to 10 episodes. The fact is that the minir would like to return the series with the original acting, but it would be difficult to do this in the framework of a long television show, since many artists are now busy in other projects.

Despite the fact that the original "Firefly" limited himself to 14 episodes, the series acquired a devoted fan base, which would certainly be extremely happy with the revival of his beloved television show.

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