The script of the 8th season "Brooklyn 9-9" will rewrite due to anti-graysist protests


The actor Terry Cruit, the executor of the role of detective Sergeant Terry Jeffords, said that the scenario of the 8th season of the Brooklyn 9-9 series will be written again after mass protests in America:

We had many serious and deep conversations. We hope that they will make something really revolutionized this year. Our Showranner David Gora was ready for the first four episodes, he just threw them out. We must start everything again and do not yet know, in which direction will go. We now have the opportunity to unite and fight together.

The actor also told, what to be black in America:

Before I became famous, I was always a threat. It cost me to enter the shopping center in Los Angeles, as the police officers instructed me. The fact is that I looked wrong. And this is what each black passed through. And it is necessary that other people understand. Right now moves ME TOO for black America, and white only begin to understand how we live.

The script of the 8th season

My 14-year-old son has a session, when a police car is passing down the street. Honestly, he is very frightened. He does not feel safe, but lives with a constant sense of threat. I talked to him about how important it is to take care of your own security.

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