Star comedy 90s called on parents to ban to view "13 reasons why"


The series "13 reasons why" became a real hit Netflix, but it turned out that not all the eminent actors consider the plot suitable for adolescents. For example, the star comedians of the 90s Curney Ellie did not hold back in expressions and tried to convince all parents that this story could not be shown to children.

The actress fell criticized on the show a week after entering the screens of the fourth and last season.

Do not let your children watch "13 reasons why"

- wrote Curly on Twitter. She stated that the series was extremely dark, and compared horrors in it with the time of the Board of Caliguly, which is known as one of the most cruel emperors in the history of mankind.

True, Ellie added that he did not consider the series bad, they say, it is simply more suitable for a mature audience - "For people over 40 or 70." It agreed with it, and one of the fans, who said that the show had long caused his dual feelings for a long time, and at the same time he made to poach that in his school nothing like that did not happen.

The premiere of "13 reasons why" took place in 2017. The series became an emptying of the Jay Esher's book of the same name, and in the first season, the audience saw the dramatic history of Hannah Baker (Catherine Langford), which was held through a bulling and violence, and in the end, without citing pain, ending with him. The suicide scene caused an acute negative reaction of fans and was later removed.

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