"Will hurt": Ben Wisow will play in the truthful TV series about the life of a young doctor


Deadline reports that the BBC and AMC channels together will be engaged in the adaptation of the humorous memoirs of Adam Cay, "will hurt. The history of the doctor who has left the profession at the peak of a career. " The main role in the series will fulfill the winner of the Golden Globe award and Emmy Ben Wisow, who played the perfume in the 2006 film "Perfume: The story of one killer" and several times the role of Q in the films about James Bond. Wishow said about the new project:

This is an honest, cheerful and heartbaking look at an important institution and the army of not commemorated heroes that work there in conditions of constant stress. The situation with COVID-19 now shed light to their work and emphasizes the need to support hospitals and their employees. I look forward to the opportunity to tell this story.

Commenting on the AMC decision to take part in the project, AMC Studios Cz01mott said:

We continue to look for unique voices and reveal rarely found worlds. We are proud to take part in this timely series, which focuses on social and cultural issues related to the health care system.

The start date of the shooting is not yet defined.

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