Star "Stranger" Sam Hyuen told how famous Scotch wants to play


Scotland is an amazing country in many meanings, and more to learn about it now, when travel is limited due to coronavirus pandemic, especially great. Very soon, on the Starz TV channel, a new show starts, within which the Star of "Strank" Sam Hughew and a well-known role in the "Hobbit" Graham Maktavis will shoot at the most interesting places of the native country and will open its audience from an unusual side.


As Sinopsis says, the actors will demonstrate "the rich heritage of Scotland will meet with the locals" and will experience the brightest emotions. The show got the name "People in Kilt", and, as it turned out, while working on Hewan had a personal interest.

In one of the interview, he admitted that Shakespeare adores Macbeth and would like to play this character.

In fact, in "people in kilts" we attend some curious places related to the history of Macbeth,

- Shared Sam. He added that Shakespeare, when creating a play, was based on superstitions and gloomy stories associated with witchcraft, "which is also an important part of Scottish history," and all this also became part of the show.


By the way, Hughew was involved in the theatrical statement on Macbeth, however, played another character, so the fulfillment of his dreams is still ahead.

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