Dr. Who will give a companion-transgender for the first time


Recently, various shows and individual producers and actors are in a hurry to declare their tolerance and loyal to LGBT, and the series "Doctor Who" has not been an exception. It turned out that one of the new characters of history about the adventures of the timeline will become Transgender.

The heroine will call Tanya Bell, and her Rebecca Ruth will play. It will make a company to Dr. who performed by Paul McGangna (eighth doctor), and all this exciting line corresponding to the spirit of the era will unfold during the new audio track.

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Rebecca managed to tell a little about his character by the Nerdist, saying that the sexuality of Tanya "does not affect the history." The actress added that the heroine is not perfect, but it is impossible to name it, but in general it is not very different from those people who have already been played.

Ruth noticed that he grew up in the 70s, when gender identification was not perceived so acute, and therefore does not see something unusual in the tane. She also expressed the hope that the character will appear not only in the audio industry and later in this or that quality will become part of the series.

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Dr. Who will give a companion-transgender for the first time 127292_3

Well, the creators of the "Doctor Who" are clearly aimed at change, because now in the center of the plot there is the first female embodiment of the lord of time performed by Jodie Whittaker. Also one of the variations of the famous character became a black woman Ruth Gleton (Joe Martin). So the appearance in the show transgender will not surprise anyone.

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