Stars "Esha against the sinister dead" believe, will be returned by Bruce Campbell in the 4th season


Ash Williams performed by Bruce Campbell was the main character of the original trilogy "ominous dead", filmed by Sam Raymi. When this franchise was restarted in a television series format in 2015, Campbell played this hero. Three seasons, however, the project was closed due to low ratings, after the fact the actor stated that it was not worth waiting for him in the image of Esha.


Despite such a sad ending, there is hope that "Ash against the sinister dead" will still be extended to the fourth season, if Netflix takes place for its production. Ray Santiago and Dan Delowenzo, who played the series leading roles along with Cambell, believe that in the case of which they could persuade their colleague to return to the role of Esha.

To confess, I prefer to adhere to the formula "Never say never." There are examples of closed shows, which were later resumed under the start of another television network. Bruce said he retired, but I feel that we and I could convince him. I think there has been enough time,

- Quotes Delowenzo WE GOT This Covered portal. Santiago adds to this:

He just needed a year or two to relax somewhere in the forest, without trusting to his crop. Sooner or later he comes bored and decides to return.

Since "Ash against the sinister dead" has become available on Netflix, the popularity of this series has increased significantly, so his renewal may well justify itself.

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